To Our Readers

I want to thank you for your part in helping to make the dreams of so many come true. When Health & Happiness U.P. Magazine first came out in October of 2007, we distributed 1,500 copies to approximately 50 locations. As demand at our main locations consistently outpaced supply, we’ve continued increasing distribution, reaching 10,000 copies at hundreds of locations in our first 10 years, and now celebrating our 16th anniversary!

Your positive feedback on our content has buoyed my already great enthusiasm for sharing quality wellness information. Your support of our advertisers has helped them to share even more of the products and services they’re so passionate about, the thing they love offering to help make your life happier and healthier! Even owners of established practices like life coach Garee Zellmer have told me how cost-effective their Health & Happiness ads have been in increasing their clientele and visibility in the community.

A dear lady even contacted me about advertising for a new home for her beloved cat because, as she put it, “Your readers are the kind of people who would give him a good home.” (Happily, the cat’s issues with its fellow feline housemates have since been resolved.)

I  am moved each day, as I realize how all of us – readers, writers, advertisers – are helping one another’s dreams move forward, whether by getting to eat or offer healthy delicious food; becoming and/or helping others become more balanced, comfortable and happy with our bodies, minds, spirits and lives; beautifying or helping to beautify others’ lives with quality clothes, art, jewelry and salon experiences; enjoying or providing space for creative, authentic expression, community, time in nature and contemplation; discovering or offering the gifts of martial arts; benefiting from or sharing books and editing services; writing or reading articles on the many ways we can enjoy healthier, happier lives! 

I want to thank you for your role in all this, and wish you all the best as we continue to help make our individual and community dreams a vibrant reality, creating “YOOPtopia” through our actions!

With great appreciation,

Roslyn McGrath, Publisher

Health & Happiness U.P. Magazine

Adapted from article in Health & Happiness U.P. Magazine, Spring 2010 

My Story

When I moved to Marquette, MI in 1994, I was in somewhat weak physical health. A year before, I was downed by a bout with mono, followed by chronic colds and fatigue. Though far from a life-threatening condition, I was unaccustomed to poor health and copletely unwilling for it to continue. The process of becoming well again require me to make many internal and external changes, to heal on all level – mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Aided by my physician’s clear statement that he couldn’t help me, and by a colleague’s referral, I was fortunate enough to begin working with a chiropractor adept in various holistic health practices, and began making headway with my stamina. By the time I arrived in Marquette, I no longer had ongoing colds, but was not up to my full strength yet and could easily dip backwards. No local replacement for my beloved chiropractor appeared on the horizon and months passed before I discovered signs of any holistic health practices being offered here. Such inroads had already been made in the U.P., but they weren’t evident to the average observer. They weren’t in print.

Over time, I became more aware of and involved with Marquette’s holistic health community; was helped, taught and befriended by many of the sharing, caring souls I met.

I began learning self-health techniques and eventually began sharing them professionally in workshops, private sessions, holistic health fairs and at Harmony Books & Gifts, the shop I co-managed with my husband Kevin. During this time, and to this day, I find that people are hungry for information and techniques for living healthier, happier lives; that they want to become more responsible, that is, able to respond to, the changes in life, and that they are often unaware of and surprised by the blossoming number of holistic health practitioners in this area.

Health & Happiness offers information and perspectives on experiencing greater health and happiness, drawing upon the many types of expertise available locally for your consideration on the written page.

You’ll find information on Healthy Cooking by macrobiotic chef, author, and Yooper-hopeful Val Wilson; Green Living by expert Steve Waller, Positive Parenting and Senior Viewpoint perspectives from various experts; and practices for nourishing your inner life in Inner Nutrition from those who live them.

Each season, Health & Happiness  spotlights a particular event, modality or self-healing practice with articles written by local journalists, plus features offered by a changing roster of writers.

I invite you to contemplate, explore and respond to the concepts and information shared here. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome at

Our health and our happiness are fundamentally intertwined. It is my hope that the nuggets offered in Health & Happiness will prompt continued and increasing health and happiness for you and your loved ones.

May you be well!

Roslyn Elena McGrath, Publisher

Health & Happiness U.P. Magazine 

Adapted from Health & Happiness U.P. Magazine, Fall 2007